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Become A Member

Interested in becoming a WCLA Member?  
Click the button below to fill out the online membership registration.  Your dues can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 158, Caroga Lake, NY 12032; or dropped off at any one of the Info & Membership Zones.










Who Can Become A Member? 

Any individual, business, or duly organized association, club, not-for-profit organization owning or having a substantial interest in recreation, tourism, conservation, or property in the West Caroga Lake area is eligible for membership in this Association, upon acceptance of dues. 


How Much Are Association Dues?

At this time, association dues are $15 for each household or entity listed above.


How Can I Become A Member?

Please fill out the application linked above and mail it to the Association along with your $15 in dues. The Association address is:


West Caroga Lake Association

P.O. Box 158

Caroga Lake, Ny 120032


Or, visit one of our new WCLA Info & Membership zones throughout the area. They will be marked with a sign near the South Shore, North Shore, East Shore, Vrooman Road and The Grove.


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